This morning I woke up and saw a beautiful sunrise and immediately thought of Erik. I finished your book last night and I want you to know it brought me so much joy and also so much joyful sorrow. Your book was such a great testimonial to the unconditional love that children with Down syndrome possess. I just want you to know your book has reminded me to hug more, judge less, and live in each moment and enjoy every sunrise and sunset.l Thank you for sharing Erik with me, giving me some important life reminders and some great flashbacks of my brother Damon’s brief time on earth.
Amber Lynn Hast
John, I wanted to let you know I recently finished reading Spiritual Roadtrip. It is so touching and profound, the relationships and bonds that Erik has had with so many people over the years. It seems Erik has channeled it to what is really important. If we all had the ability and insight that Erik has, we’d be much better off. He has such great compassion for everyone around him. As I was reading, there is no question how valuable a learning tool your book is, not only as it relates to people with Down syndrome, but for anyone having to deal with other disabilities.
Frank Robinson
Reading Spiritual Roadtrip was like a step back in time for me. I have many wonderful memories of Poppy, KaKrin, Ruth and your sister from when our children were young. Where did the time go? I remember Erik, the child, well... but Erik the adult I did not know. Thank you for the opportunity to learn about him and from him. I would say that Erik is lucky to have you and your family, but I know all of you would say, “No, we are the lucky ones to have him in our lives.”
Carol Palombi
I received a copy of John Napotnik’s book, Spiritual Roadtrip, as a gift from a friend. As soon as I read it, I ordered more copies. I knew many other people would love it as much as I did. I was spellbound and captivated by the book. The book describes how so many everyday things become special again as Erik’s fascination makes us see things in a new way. John’s trips with Erik make you want to be a passenger in the back seat, just to watch these two enjoying time and experiences together.
Cindy Susi